viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

My Product energizing

My Product would be a energizing drink with caffeine and many ingredients which in case you're tired or you're sneaking Energizing the XTREM ENERGY DRINK AND you'll have a very active day.

Protect the environment

To protect the environment i think it would be necessary to make a cleaning to the rivers and seas that have been contaminated, decrease the felling of trees and recycle any waste or garbage that we have at home, because we have to think about what it is our planet and we have to take care of it.

Prevention Project

My Project Against The Disaster Prevention is to organize a site in which we all find and is a specific site for all of us to know. Could be the playground, it would also not have panic and Do Not Run on the stairs because they could fall and get hurt or hurt someone. Always have a First Aid Kit For emergencies that have water, a whistle, a flashlight etc

Motivation to Read

Little read and you will be as many ... He reads a lot and you will be as few Read Changes to the people and to it.

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt

This college is, located in: Fontibon - Carmen, has 3 courts one without ending and other one for the children and one mas where the students of baccalaureate her pass all the rests. It has a door of entry and other one of exit has 33 lounges and 3 floors 2 rooms of computer science and a room of chemistry, where the students happen 6 hours of 5 days of the week and has 7 baths for the young persons of primary and baccalaureate, relies on an audience for meetings and pedagogic activities, a teachers' room and coordination.